Catégorie : Learn to speak and read step by step

Le son « eu » (with audio files)

The translation in English is just after the article Le son "eu" : le – cheval…

Words with ph (prononce « f »)

PH at the begining of the word Photographie - Photogénique / Photography - PhotogenicPharmacie /…

The « e » sound : when to pronounce it in French ? When not to ?

In French, most of the time, you don't pronounce the "e" at the end of…

How to say hello and ask how you are in French ?

I formal form In this exemple, it is a conversation between à teacher and a…

How to talk about the seasons in French ?

I am writing this article at the end of march, so this is spring ! Talking…

How to count from 0 to 10 in French ?

Hello everybody ! Learn to count from 0 to 10 in French ! Here are the this…

Describing people in French / Décrire quelqu’un en français

To describe yourself in French, you can use a series of adjectives. Here is what…

Learn French with a story

To help you improve your French, you can read sories. Here is one I wrote.…

Taking the subway

Wether it is for daily life or for some special activities, metro is essential. Discover…

To tell the time in French

 C’est une question que nous (nous) posons : celle de l’heure qu’il est. Nos journées en…