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Special Valentine’s Day : a book sum up

I know this is not Valentine's day but I just published an old text that…

Morning activities in French

Here are the things that can be done in the morning between the moment you…

The house (sentences)

La maison vue de l’extérieur (The house seen from the outside) Entrer dans la maison…

Un anniversaire en famille (text)

Discover family vocabulary with this text. Voici une conversation entre deux collègues de travail qui…

Les chiffres / the digits in French :

Tableaux pour compter de 11 à 20, de 10 à 100, de 1000 à 10…

Vendredi matin (Friday morning)

Vendredi matinJe marcheDans les rues de ParisJe suis à l'heurePour arriver au travail Friday morningI…

Complex sounds in French

Here is how to pronounce the sounds : 1. Sounds with an A : AI une librairie (…

English language doesn’t exist …

English langage doesn’t exist … It is French badly pronounced : in this book whose…

3 ways to read and write the [o] sound in French

In French, there are different ways to write the "o" sound. Here they are :…