
Your opinion matters to me 

Please let me know what you think of this blog. I will feel supported and…

Describing the weather that goes in French

"It's one of the first 'icebreaker' topics, an easy subject to bring up with everyone:…

Discover a French author and its book : Les mangeurs de nuit by Marie Charrel

On Friday, I went to a litterary conference and I discovered Marie Charrel. This woman…

How to talk about the seasons in French ?

I am writing this article at the end of march, so this is spring ! Talking…

Masculine and feminine nouns in French

In French, there is a gender for all nouns : masculine or feminine even when it…

How to count from 0 to 10 in French ?

Hello everybody ! Learn to count from 0 to 10 in French ! Here are the this…

Describing people in French / Décrire quelqu’un en français

To describe yourself in French, you can use a series of adjectives. Here is what…

Learn French with a story

To help you improve your French, you can read sories. Here is one I wrote.…