The present tense is used :
1. to speak about an action or a state in the present moment
It is used like the present continuous in English.
Elsa m’attend au parc. Elsa is waiting for me at the park.
Elle porte une robe bleue. She is wearing a blue dress.
2. to tell habitual actions (repetition)
Elle dit toujours « bonjour » en arrivant / she always says « hello » when she arrives.
3. To tell general truths :
Elle est très gentille / She is very kind
Les poissons vivent dans l’eau / The fish live in water
You can describe somebody with this tense for instance.
4. To express the near future
It can also be used to express what will happen in the near future : « je te rejoins » / I’ll be joining you.
Text in French :
By following the link, you will find a text in French with present tense verbs.