Practice, practice, practice ! It is often said that to learn a new language that’s what you always have to do. But there is an other way …

A new study (I found it on Santé Magazine) has just enhance an other way of learning : passive exposure. What is it ? It simply means that you learn while listening to a foreign language or observing it.

How do I listen to it or observe it ?
I will make a confession : I improved my English while watching my favourite DVD at the time, Moulin Rouge in English with the subtitles, then without them. I already knew it very well since I had watched it in French several times : it was the one with Nicole Kidman and Ewan Macgregor not the one you see in the picture ;). And it helped me a lot ! You can do the same with your favourite movie or DVD or Netflix serie if it is available in the language you wish to speak. You can also watch a short video on youtube on a subject you are interested to. Even if you don’t understand everything, it will help you ! There is a variety of combinaison that you can use from the easiest to the hardest : in French with English subtitles, in French with French subtitles, in French without subtitles.

You can also read magazine’s articles in French at you library or at a train station if they have it or on a French website.

Podcasts, radio, music and audio books will also do the job (and I hope also some of my blog’s articles too :))

Radios :
France Info :
France Inter :
France Bleu :
France Culture :
France Musique :

TV channels :
France 5 :
France 2 :
France 3 :
arte :
M6 :
TF1 :

Tell me in the comment section if you have access to the links in your country.