If you are in France (country of gastronomy), you may like to go to a nice restaurant ! What to say and how to order ? Here are some clues …

Here are two sentences/phrases you can use :

Je voudrais + ce que vous avez choisi (what you choose) Ex : Je voudrais une entrecôte s’il vous plaît

Nous allons également prendre (if you are at least two)/ Je vais aussi prendre (of you want this alone) + nom d’une boisson (name of a drink). Ex : Nous allons également prendre deux verres de côtes du Rhône (We are also going to take two glasses of Côte du Rhône (which is a red wine ;)))

Here is an example of what was said to a restaurant I went at :

Je suis dans une crêperie. (I am at a pancake restaurant). La serveuse vient me demander (the waitress come and ask me,) : Vous avez choisi ? (Did you choose ?) and I answered : – Oui, je vais prendre la Popeye (Yes I will take the « Popeye »). It’s a pancake with spinach 🙂 Then she went to the kitchen and came back with a nice pancake that as you see I ate entirely 😉