I spent a little part of the week-end in Lyon. It is one of the biggest town in France after Paris and Marseille and one of the most beautiful (but I admit there is a lot of beautiful towns in France). In this article, I’m sharing with you a few things I did.

  1. Admiring the view
    Lyon is a very beautiful city : with Hôtel Dieu, Fourviere cathedrale and St Jean Cathedral among other things, Lyon offers to your eyes a variety of incredible points of view. For this week-end, I simply admired the view of Hôtel Dieu’s facade (they renovated it recently) and Fourvière’s cathedral just behind !

2. Eating well
Lyon is the capital of gastronomy. One say that if the same evening all of the inhabitants of Lyon would go out to eat, there would be enough seats for everybody ! I don’t know if this is true but believe me, you eat really well in Lyon and there are plenty good restaurants. I went to one of them close to the « Rhône » (one of the two big rivers, the other one being « La Saône »). I also went to a coffee where I was able to eat healthy food and finally I had a tea in a hotel before my departure (it didn’t involve food but is still a part of a great way of life)

3. Going to the theatre
There is a lot to do in Lyon beside having a nice walk and eating well (which is not bad already). For instance, you can go to the theatre. I went to Improvidence theatre, a theatre where you can see improv shows (mostly in French, but a few ones can be in English from time to time). I saw Fabien Strobel and Thierry Bilisko’s show (It is called « Faites-nous confiance » which means « trust us »). The principle ? The two comedians ask the audience to tell about an event that is coming in their life and they make an improvisation based of what was said. It can be funny, moving … depending on the event they choose and play. This Saturday they played the story of 2 people selling their house and planing to move away (without knowing where exactly yet, though they had some ideas). It was funny because of the characters they played and because of what they made of their mistakes. I had a great moment watching them even if it was cut a bit shortly at the end.

Of course there are many other things to do in Lyon like visiting the old town (we call it « Le Vieux Lyon »), going to some museums (for instance Confluence, a museum wich is located where the two rivers meet), wandering in « Le parc de la tête d’or » and more. I might do other articles about it. Would you be interested ?